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Early College High School Program

Where high school meets higher education.

The Early College High School Program at Lockhart High School allows LHS students the opportunity to earn up to 60 college credit hours and their Associate Degree at NO cost while in high school.

The Early College High School Program at Lockhart High School is now accepting enrollment forms for the 2024-2025 school year.

The Early College High School Program at Lockhart High School allows students to take free dual credit courses that count towards both high school and college credit. Austin Community College accredited staff members teach these college courses during the school day at Lockhart High School. Additionally, students in the program take an elective course called Pathways to College and Career, which provides guidance, support, and resources for success as an Early College High School Program student.

Early College High Schools:

  • Provide dual credit at no cost to students
  • Offer rigorous instruction and accelerated courses
  • Provide academic, social, and emotional support services to help students find success
  • Increase college and career readiness, and reduce barriers to college access

Click here to enroll now! The deadline for to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year is March 25, 2024.

First page of the PDF file: SPAECHSValuesPoster--Final

Program Pathways

Students in the Early College High School Program will choose a pathway that fits their postsecondary goals:


The enrollment window for incoming 9th graders is now open – the deadline to submit is March 25, 2024. Enroll here.

Cynthia Vasquez, Principal

Have questions?

Email Early College High School Coordinator

Lucinda Gannon